【most.tw】技術視野洞察 - Dennis的專業視角  
Webbplatsintroduktion:深入淺出分享最新科技趨勢、程式設計技巧與軟體開發知識。一個為技術愛好者和專業開發者打造的技術博客,提供實用的程式教學、技術指南和行業洞察,助您掌握程式開發的核心技能。Elder Yin's Technical Notes - An in-depth and accessible platform sharing the latest technology trends, programming techniques, and software development knowledge. A technical blog designed for tech enthusiasts and professional developers, offering practical programming tutorials, technical guides, and industry insights to help you master core skills in software development.
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【gpli.info】GP Lens Institute - GPLI  
Webbplatsintroduktion:GPLI is the educational resource for custom-manufactured contact lenses, with monthly webinars, fitting guides, patient brochures, and much more.

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【qbu.ie】Quick Bytes For You – Tips, Guides and Informational Blogging For You  

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【1337.uk】Microsoft 365 and Azure Guides by Tony Brown  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Microsoft Azure & Security guides by Tony Brown

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【t3.com】Smarter Living | T3  
Webbplatsintroduktion:The latest gadget and technology news, reviews, buyer’s guides and features. Covering smartphones, laptops, audio, gaming, fitness and more

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【u.gg】U GG: The Best League of Legends Builds LoL Build Champion Probuilds LoL Runes Tier List Counters Guides  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Best Builds from the Best Data. Riot-approved U.GG provides the best League of Legends builds, LoL runes, Probuilds, Tier List, Counters, and more.
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【e.holiday】Explore Unforgettable Holidays with Ease  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Discover and plan your perfect holiday with e.holiday, your go-to source for travel tips, destination guides, and exclusive deals.

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【mtt.com】Momentum Technologies LLC  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Guides to Renewable Energy businesses and organizations.
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【1632.org】Eric Flint's 1632 Universe Compendium | 1632.org  
Webbplatsintroduktion:The definitive resource for information related to Eric Flint's 1632 series, including stylesheets and manuscript submission guides for prospective authors.

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【car.uk】Car.co.uk: A Pickup That Won’t Let You Down.  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Find the very best deals for car finance, insurance, warranties, and scrap cars - along with news, car valuation, check MOT history, reviews, and helpful guides!

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